Towards the end of a recent club meeting one of our seniors shared that they were having a difficult time experiencing the holiday season without their extended family and friends. They spoke of the sense of loss for the life they are cut off from due to the pandemic and spending so much of the year -and potentially the months ahead- in quarantine. The collective sigh in the virtual meeting was palpable. Students were given space to express their feelings; faculty shared ours, too. We talked a bit about the fact that much of our nation, as well as people in different countries throughout the world, are feeling similarly.

Instead of sinking together into a swampy blue funk, the club was able to shift to sharing what we were grateful for. Being safe indoors with our family, having the technology available to attend virtual classes, having pets we can express love to, knowing that all of our basic needs are met, and having one another to share with are all happy things. Yes, our club meeting ran long, but we wouldn’t have it any other way as there is camaraderie in our collective aloneness, and deep connections can and are being made while making room for new tools to use to address stress, anxiety, and emotional fatigue.

While it takes practice to shift our mind set, it is a helpful habit that allows us to see the bigger picture. It enables us to look to the future instead of being overwhelmed by engulfing fears and anxiety. The practice of shifting our thoughts, and being grateful, grounds and redirects our attention.

Springstone works to offer tools of all kinds to our students and parents including helpful reminders from Check out the website to learn more about how to direct your own mental shifts and for some ideas that may help to support you during this wave of unknown. They offer tools to help challenge your possible anxiety through various techniques and offer self affirmations to prompt ourselves; to see and celebrate that we are doing the best we can now during the holiday season, and while moving into the unknown future. Use it as your self-care time, to give yourself space to breathe and “just be”. While some information may not be new to you, they are important reminders for us and those we care for. It may be helpful to print out documents that speak to you and review them daily to aid in shifting your perspective and those around you.

We wish you peace this holiday season. Thank you for being in our community!

Click through the image gallery below to view a Stress & Anxiety Toolkit.

You can also download it by clicking here (PDF 969 KB)

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